Yes, you read the title correctly. lol I know it probably sounds crazy to some of you, that my life was changed by dish soap, but it was!
Somehow over the years I got into the habit of leaving dishes in the sink overnight. I guess I felt that once I had prepared the meal and ate it, that I should be able to just kick back and relax and deal with the dishes the next day. The problem is...the dirty dishes haunted me. I could relax a little, but in the back of my mind I knew my kitchen was a mess. I could never totally forget about them...but I let them sit anyway.
The next morning would come and I would wake up ready to tackle the day....and then I would walk in the kitchen...the sight of the mess I left behind seemed to drain my energy on the spot. Not to mention the negative affect it had on my mood.
I began to hate my dishes....I even started to think ordering out would just be simpler.
Then it happened...ANTS....EWWWW!
If you haven't figured it out, I am not a fan of ants... especially in my kitchen.
That night...I begrudgingly washed the dishes, but the ants had to go.
They were stubborn, but I was not about to let them win....I started washing the dishes after ever meal and no dishes sat in the sink overnight.
Then it hit me....
My energy was no longer being hijacked by seeing dirty dishes in the sink in the morning.... in fact, when I would go into my clean kitchen, I seemed to get more energy and a boost in my mood! It happened every morning! It is amazing how our environment affects us. I am now eager to clean up everything after each meal.
Just the simple act of washing dishes has changed the trajectory of my days!! Dirty dishes no longer taunt and haunt me. And the ants are GONE!!
What small thing can you do this week to improve your days? Pick something to change that you know zaps your energy and flattens your mood. You won't regret it. And maybe you too could use some dish soap to change your life?
~Coach Suzanne